Star Wars Rebels Teaser Trailer Released

The Rebels are back!  Dave Filoni and team gave us our first glimpse last night of the new animated TV show to be released next year: Star Wars Rebels. There's not much to take from this narrative that we don't already know, except for one key line, "The Jedi will rise, and you will know … Continue reading Star Wars Rebels Teaser Trailer Released

Scene it on Friday – ANH Scene #7

I personally believe that had this scene been in the original Star Wars, it would have given a different taste to the movie.  With this scene, we see George Lucas stress that Luke is a naïve, young farmboy stuck on a planet that is described as “a big hunk of nothing”.  On top of that, … Continue reading Scene it on Friday – ANH Scene #7

Scene it on Friday – ROTJ Scene #59

I love this, I love this!  This webpage I’m getting the scenes from clearly does not have the final, edited scripts, but rather a previous version of the almost-done scripts.  We’ve seen a couple of times in different scenes that there will be a line that was later omitted in the final film version or … Continue reading Scene it on Friday – ROTJ Scene #59

Scene it on Friday – ANH Scene #72

Now this is podracing!  …oops.  What I meant was: Now that’s how you write an action scene! Wow, I can’t believe that while I was reading this, I was actually completely enthralled.  I kept reading the next line thinking “What happens next?” even though my brain knows what happens next.  It’s completely different reading this … Continue reading Scene it on Friday – ANH Scene #72

I Miss My Childhood

People can be foolish when they say that Star Wars is for kids or is “kids movie”.  They are only looking at the surface of it and failing to realize that despite how the movie has child elements, it really is about human morals and dilemmas, black vs. white, and the murky grey in between. … Continue reading I Miss My Childhood