Episode XVIII: In Which Planets & Settings In Star Wars Are Pondered

In this episode, I meander and ramble about the amount of planets and settings in each Star Wars movie. Do the amount of planets and settings reflect how good the movie is? After writing out all the planets/ships that the characters spend time on in each movie, I dissect if there is a correlation. None … Continue reading Episode XVIII: In Which Planets & Settings In Star Wars Are Pondered

Episode VI: In Which We Review the Obi-Wan Kenobi D+ Series

Oh boy, here we go! I review the Obi-Wan Kenobi Disney+ television series. It left me feeling "ehhhh" and less than impressed. Namely, why did we even need this series? But it's not all blah, there were some highlights and good parts that I liked. In this episode, I also manage to ramble a little … Continue reading Episode VI: In Which We Review the Obi-Wan Kenobi D+ Series

The Skywalker/Palpatine Saga

Alas, I did not get to see TROS one more time in theaters as I was hit with a debilitating sickness and was unable to leave my bed for days, lost my voice, and could barely function. BUT I got to read a lot of blogs on the new movie and think about it a … Continue reading The Skywalker/Palpatine Saga

Clone Trooper Inhibitor Chip

While coloring in my last Fan Art Friday with the clone trooper, I began to think about how the last (well, not "last" anymore, with Disney+ bringing back TCW) episodes of TCW on Netflix introduced us to the fact that the clone troopers all had chips placed within them. While we all associate the chips … Continue reading Clone Trooper Inhibitor Chip

The Touch on Mustafar

What these films deal with is the fact that we all have good and evil inside of us and that we can choose which way we want the balance to go. -George Lucas, 1999 Good and evil. Inside all of us. Fighting for the majority stake. If we take Lucas' assertion that the Star Wars … Continue reading The Touch on Mustafar